A modern company with centuries old roots
Yacht Eco is built on a simple principle:
Be a part of making the marine industry better.
There are inefficiencies everywhere and we are a part of the solution.
What’s with the name?
At Yacht Eco, we value history and tradition. The modern word yacht may lack a strict technical definition today, but its origins trace back to the 16th century Dutch word jaght (later jacht), meaning “hunt.” Combined with schip (“ship”), the term jachtschip referred to “hunting ships”—fast sailing vessels used to pursue pirates along the shallow waters of the Dutch coast. Pretty cool indeed. For us, it’s not about fancy fiberglass, but rather maritime history.
Eco can have different meanings and one of them is being short for ecosystem, a network working together in a particular environment and towards success.
There it is, Yacht Eco. A distinguishably unique, historically rooted, broad encompassing company built for such an industry.